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The Project ‘Food Systems Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes’ is a child project under the GEF Food Systems Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program. The 5-year project is implemented through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism as the lead Executing Agency with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as GEF Implementing Agency. 

The key environmental problem to be addressed by the project is the degradation of Tanzania’s rich forest lands and wetlands and the related loss in forest health and biodiversity under the pressure of agricultural development with a focus on rice production which has detrimental effects on the delivery of ecosystem services and related livelihood and economic opportunities. In Tanzania rice production has more than tripled between 2004 and 2015, making Tanzania the second largest rice producer in South-Eastern Africa. The rice sector is currently a key point of attention of various Government and donor supported programs geared towards both intensification and extensification with a growing interest in export to supply adjacent African states. A key challenge is that production is small scale with current yields being among the lowest in the world (between 1.5 and 2 t/ha), inefficient supply chains, post-harvest handling, and poor transport networks posing additional challenges.

The project focuses primarily on two landscapes in Tanzania, both critical for rice cultivation: The Kilombero Valley on mainland Tanzania, and the North Unguja (Zanzibar) landscape. The project represents an integrated approach that combines aspects of sustainable food systems and deforestation-free supply chains with broader landscape-level planning, management, and restoration for the preservation of ecosystem services in these two landscapes which translates into three main pillars of work:

  • The development of an Integrated Landscape Management approach for the target landscapes through a multi-stakeholder process in order to provide for a landscape management framework that gives space for rice production and other uses while securing space for the preservation and restoration of critical ecological systems;
  • The development of sustainable and socially inclusive value/supply chains for the rice production sector including the development of supporting governance/policy frameworks, financial and market mechanisms, and incentives that will drive sustainable value chains; and
  • The development and implementation of concrete landscape restoration and management activities in the target landscapes including the creation of enabling conditions for upscaling. The focus here will be on areas degraded by or providing key environmental services to the rice sector.

TOR: Project Coordinator / Sustainable Food Systems Specialist

WWF/GEF Tanzania Food Systems Land Use and Restoration Project
Reports to: Project Director, WWF/GEF Tanzania Food Systems Land Use and Restoration Project (Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania)
Location: Dodoma, Tanzania
Duration: 1 year, extendable to a maximum of 5 years

Major Function
The Project Coordinator/Sustainable Food Systems Specialist will supervise staff in the Project Coordination Unit (PCU), coordinate with project partners, and provide day-to-day management of the project. He/she will furthermore oversee project delivery through the two Landscape Coordination Units (LCUs) as well as provide targeted technical support to the design and implementation of project activities under the various project components.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Project Management
    • Day-to-day management, monitoring, and evaluation of project activities and results as outlined in the Project Document, Grant Agreement, and Annual Work Plan and Budget to achieve the project objective and targets in the Results Framework.
    • Manage the workflow for the Project Steering Committee (PSC), and in particular develop the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) for each project year for approval by the PSC and no objection from the WWF GEF Agency.
    • Provide high-level oversight and monitoring of procurement and expenditure in line with the approved AWPB.
    • Review progress of work plan and monitoring plan.
    • Lead planning and organization of reflection workshops to identify lessons learned and propose potential changes for adaptive management to ensure project results and indicator targets are reached.
    • Provide oversight of the delivery of project activities through the two LCUs through reporting, regular virtual meetings, and supervision missions.
    • Be responsible for the organization of the project inception workshop and other project-level workshops/meetings.
    • Represent the project and provide support for project supervisions and internal and external reviews/evaluations.
    • Hold monthly virtual and/or physical meetings with the partners involved in the implementation of project activities per component.
  2. Staff Management
    • Supervise the PCU staff including the Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Knowledge Management Program Officer, Financial Manager, and any directly recruited staff or consultants.
    • Dotted management line to the Kilombero and North Zanzibar Landscape Coordinators.
  3. Technical Assistance
    • Technically lead and advise on the implementation of the centrally managed components of the project, in particular:
      • Development of a policy paper on improved land tenure and water governance systems to support implementation of the land and water use plans.
      • Capacity building on Integrated Landscape Management.
      • Development of a sustainable value chain development plan for the rice production sector.
      • Development of guidelines, standards, and training packages for public and private sector value chain actors in the rice sector.
      • Undertaking an opportunity analysis for private sector investments in sustainable rice production value chains.
      • Negotiation and establishment of a collaborative agreement and platform for engagement between public, private, and civil society actors on sustainable rice value chain development.
      • The development and review of potential fiscal/financial schemes to incentivize investment for restoration in degraded lands.
    • Advise the project partners and landscape coordination units in regard to the technical design and implementation of project activities.
    • Prepare related TORs to recruit consultants to ensure technical deliverables and experience requirements are included, and in the development of sub-contracts to project partners.
    • Undertake regular field missions to monitor project implementation and to provide technical advice and support to the landscape teams and project partners.
  4. Gender and Safeguards
    • Ensuring the effective implementation of the gender, environmental, and social safeguards provisions and actions as set out in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Gender Action Plan, and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), including guiding and supporting the LCUs in the implementation of the same.
    • Ensuring that bidding documents and contracts include any relevant particular clauses or conditions relevant to environmental and social safeguards as set out in the ESMF, the Gender Action Plan, and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).
    • Ensuring gender-responsive stakeholder engagement throughout the project life-cycle.
    • Supervising the gender and environmental and social safeguards specialist.
    • Ensuring the establishment and implementation of Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM).
    • Ensuring public disclosure of safeguards documents and reporting on gender and safeguards implementation and compliance to the PSC and WWF GEF Agency.
  5. Reporting
    • Prepare semi-annual Project Progress Reports and ensure timely delivery to the WWF GEF Agency.
    • Oversee the preparation and disbursement of sub-grants.
    • Oversee development of quarterly financial reports and ensure timely delivery to the WWF GEF Agency.
    • Ensure co-finance reporting on a yearly basis.
  6. Quality Assurance
    • Provide quality assurance for project activities, including in sub-grants.
    • Review reports and other products from consultants, staff, and sub-grantees, and ensure quality.
    • Ensure implementation in line with the GEF and WWF standards and policies.
  7. Partnerships
    • Coordinate with co-financed projects and liaise with project partners to ensure co-financing commitments are realized.
    • Attract additional partners and co-financing.
    • Ensure smooth coordination and communication among all project partners and with the Program partners.
    • Manage stakeholder engagement throughout the project duration.
    • Represent the project as needed at various meetings and workshops.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • At least 10 years of technical working experience in a discipline relevant to Sustainable Food Systems, including at least 4 years of project management experience.
  • Post-graduate degree in a discipline relevant to Sustainable Food Systems.
  • Technical experience and knowledge in the thematic areas of the project (i.e., integrated landscape management, sustainable agricultural production and value chains, and landscape restoration).
  • Experience in managing similar, complex, multi-stakeholder projects.
  • Experience in leading a team of staff and coordinating sub-grant partners.
  • Ability to interact with senior business, government, and NGO staff.
  • Adaptive management skills.
  • Knowledge of WWF Project and Program Management Standards preferred.
  • Experience in delivering technical and financial reporting to donor agencies on large projects.
  • Experience with GEF Projects and GEF knowledge an advantage.

General Conditions

  •  All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with age not above 50 years.
  • Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail, and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement.
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates.
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts.
    • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates.
    • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies (where applicable).
    • Birth certificate.
  • Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:
    • Form IV and Form VI results slips.
    • Testimonials and all partial transcripts.
  • An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer.
  • An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
  • An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA).
  • Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE).
  • A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English and addressed to:

    Permanent Secretary
    Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
    Government City – Mtumba
    Ardhi Street
    P.O. Box 1351

  • Deadline for application is 04th October 2024.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate legal action.



The Project ‘Food Systems Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes’ is a child project under the GEF Food Systems Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program. The 5-year project is implemented through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism as the lead Executing Agency with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as GEF Implementing Agency.

The key environmental problem to be addressed by the project is the degradation of Tanzania’s rich forest lands and wetlands and the related loss in forest health and biodiversity under the pressure of agricultural development with a focus on rice production which has detrimental effects on the delivery of ecosystem services and related livelihood and economic opportunities. In Tanzania rice production has more than tripled between 2004 and 2015, making Tanzania the second largest rice producer in South-Eastern Africa. The rice sector is currently a key point of attention of various Government and donor supported programs geared towards both intensification and extensification with a growing interest in export to supply adjacent African states. A key challenge is that production is small scale with current yields being among the lowest in the world (between 1.5 and 2 t/ha), inefficient supply chains, post-harvest handling, and poor transport networks posing additional challenges.

The project focuses primarily on two landscapes in Tanzania, both critical for rice cultivation: The Kilombero Valley on mainland Tanzania, and the North Unguja (Zanzibar) landscape. The project represents an integrated approach that combines aspects of sustainable food systems and deforestation-free supply chains with broader landscape-level planning, management, and restoration for the preservation of ecosystem services in these two landscapes which translates into three main pillars of work:

  • The development of an Integrated Landscape Management approach for the target landscapes through a multi-stakeholder process in order to provide for a landscape management framework that gives space for rice production and other uses while securing space for the preservation and restoration of critical ecological systems;
  • The development of sustainable and socially inclusive value/supply chains for the rice production sector including the development of supporting governance/policy frameworks, financial and market mechanisms, and incentives that will drive sustainable value chains; and
  • The development and implementation of concrete landscape restoration and management activities in the target landscapes including the creation of enabling conditions for upscaling. The focus here will be on areas degraded by or providing key environmental services to the rice sector.

TOR: Landscape Coordinator

WWF/GEF Tanzania Food Systems Land Use and Restoration Project
Reports to: District Executive Director, Mlimba District Council with a dotted line to the Project Coordinator
Location: Mlimba
Duration: 1 year, extendable to a maximum of 5 years

Major Function
The Landscape Coordinator will supervise staff in the LCU, coordinate with local project partners, and provide day-to-day management of the project. He/she will oversee project implementation within the landscape, as well as provide targeted technical support to the design and implementation of project activities under the various project components.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Project Management:
    • Day-to-day management, monitoring, and evaluation of project activities and planned results within the landscape, as outlined in the Project Document and Annual Work Plan and Budget to achieve the project objective and targets in the Results Framework.
    • Manage the workflow for the Landscape Advisory Committee (LAC), and in particular, develop the Annual Landscape Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) for each project year for approval by the Project Coordinator.
    • Manage recruitment, procurement, and other expenditure in line with the approved AWPB.
    • Lead planning and organization of reflection workshops to identify lessons learned and propose potential changes for adaptive management to ensure project results and indicator targets are reached.
    • Provide oversight of the delivery of project activities through reporting, regular project team and partner meetings, and supervision missions.
    • Be responsible for the organization of landscape-level workshops/meetings.
    • Oversee the preparation and disbursement of sub-grants to local project partners.
    • Represent the project at relevant landscape level and national forums and provide support for project supervisions and internal and external reviews/evaluations.
    • Hold monthly virtual and/or physical meetings with the partners involved in the implementation of project activities within the landscape.
  2. Staff Management:
    • Supervise the LCU staff including the Field Extension Officers and the Program Administrative Officer and any directly recruited staff or consultants.
  3. Technical Assistance:
    • Technically lead and advise on the design and implementation of project activities at the landscape level.
    • Prepare related TORs to recruit local consultants and for subcontracts to local project partners.
    • Undertake regular field missions to monitor project implementation and to provide technical advice and support to the field teams and project partners.
  4. Gender and Safeguards:
    • Ensuring landscape-level compliance with and implementation of the gender, environmental, and social safeguards provisions and actions as set out in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Gender Action Plan, and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).
    • Ensuring gender responsive stakeholder engagement throughout the project life-cycle.
    • Ensuring public disclosure of safeguards documents and reporting on gender and safeguards implementation and compliance to the PSC and WWF GEF Agency.
    • Screening all field-level project activities to identify gender-specific aspects and social and environmental impacts.
    • Contributing to the preparation of site-specific safeguards documents (site-specific ESMPs or Livelihood Restoration Plans [LRPs]) as needed.
    • Ensuring the inclusion of gender and safeguards requirements in all project bidding documents and contracts and monitoring contractors’ compliance with such requirements.
    • Conducting consultation meetings with local stakeholders as required, informing them and updating them on the latest project development activities.
    • Carrying out regular site inspections.
    • Reporting on safeguards implementation and compliance to the ESS Specialist and the Project Coordinator.
    • Ensuring implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and dissemination of information regarding the GRM among local communities.
  5. Reporting:
    • Prepare semi-annual Progress Reports and ensure timely delivery to the PCU.
    • Oversee development of quarterly technical and financial reports and ensure timely delivery to the PCU.
    • Ensure co-finance reporting on a yearly basis.
  6. Quality Assurance:
    • Provide quality assurance for project activities, including in subgrants to local partners.
    • Review reports and other products from consultants, staff, and subgrantees, and ensure quality.
    • Ensure implementation in line with Government, GEF, and WWF standards and policies.
  7. Partnerships:
    • Ensure smooth coordination and communication among all project partners and with the Program partners.
    • Manage stakeholder engagement throughout the project duration.
    • Coordinate with co-financed projects and liaise with project partners to ensure co-financing commitments are realized.
    • Attract additional partners and co-financing.
    • Represent the project as needed at various meetings and workshops.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • At least 7 years of technical working experience in a discipline relevant to Sustainable Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration.

General Conditions

  • All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with age not above 50 years.
  • Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail, and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement.
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates.
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts.
    • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates.
    • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies (where applicable).
    • Birth certificate.
  • Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:
    • Form IV and Form VI results slips.
    • Testimonials and all partial transcripts.
  • An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer.
  • An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
  • An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA).
  • Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE).
  • A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English and addressed to:Permanent Secretary
    Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
    Government City – Mtumba
    Ardhi Street
    P.O. Box 1351
  • Deadline for application is 04th October 2024.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate legal action.


The Project ‘Food Systems Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes’ is a child project under the GEF Food Systems Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program. The 5-year project is implemented through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism as the lead Executing Agency with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as GEF Implementing Agency.

The key environmental problem to be addressed by the project is the degradation of Tanzania’s rich forest lands and wetlands and the related loss in forest health and biodiversity under the pressure of agricultural development with a focus on rice production which has detrimental effects on the delivery of ecosystem services and related livelihood and economic opportunities. In Tanzania rice production has more than tripled between 2004 and 2015, making Tanzania the second largest rice producer in South-Eastern Africa. The rice sector is currently a key point of attention of various Government and donor supported programs geared towards both intensification and extensification with a growing interest in export to supply adjacent African states. A key challenge is that production is small scale with current yields being among the lowest in the world (between 1.5 and 2 t/ha), inefficient supply chains, post-harvest handling, and poor transport networks posing additional challenges.

The project focuses primarily on two landscapes in Tanzania, both critical for rice cultivation: The Kilombero Valley on mainland Tanzania, and the North Unguja (Zanzibar) landscape. The project represents an integrated approach that combines aspects of sustainable food systems and deforestation-free supply chains with broader landscape-level planning, management, and restoration for the preservation of ecosystem services in these two landscapes which translates into three main pillars of work:

  • The development of an Integrated Landscape Management approach for the target landscapes through a multi-stakeholder process in order to provide for a landscape management framework that gives space for rice production and other uses while securing space for the preservation and restoration of critical ecological systems;
  • The development of sustainable and socially inclusive value/supply chains for the rice production sector including the development of supporting governance/policy frameworks, financial and market mechanisms, and incentives that will drive sustainable value chains; and
  • The development and implementation of concrete landscape restoration and management activities in the target landscapes including the creation of enabling conditions for upscaling. The focus here will be on areas degraded by or providing key environmental services to the rice sector.

TOR: Monitoring Evaluation Learning & Knowledge Management Program Officer

WWF/GEF Tanzania Food Systems Land Use and Restoration Project
Location: Dodoma, Tanzania
Duration: 1 year, extendable to a maximum of 5 years

Major Function
Under the guidance and supervision of the Project Coordinator, the Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning & Knowledge Management (MELKM) Program Officer will be responsible for tracking and reporting project implementation against project work plans and reporting progress towards outcome indicator targets. The MELKM Officer will be responsible for the collection and analysis of different data in relation to the project activities, outputs, and outcomes; maintaining the M&E results frameworks of the projects; and assisting the Program Officer in preparing quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports on project progress.

Through the collection and analysis of high-quality and timely data inputs, he/she will be responsible for ensuring that the projects maintain their strategic vision and that their activities result in the achievement of their intended outputs and outcomes in a cost-effective and timely manner, as well as contributing to project team discussions of potential opportunities for adaptive management.

Furthermore, the MELKM Officer will coordinate the engagement of the Tanzania FOLUR Project Team in the global GEF FOLUR Integrated Program, including participation in networks, events, training programs and exchanges, and the collection and exchange of experiences and lessons learned.

Key Responsibilities

  1. M&E:
    • Design methodology for the collection of relevant data in close collaboration with all technical specialists.
    • Work with field teams and implementation partners to ensure they are building and using effective monitoring systems aligned with approved logic models and work plans.
    • Based on the M&E frameworks described above, design a database that helps maintain data collected over the course of project implementation and is transparent to all partners.
    • Manage said database to ensure data is accurate and updated, with guidance to ensure consistency of measurement methodologies over time.
    • Monitor application of project M&E plans, gather and analyze data, and produce quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports on project progress and impact in partnership with the Project Coordinator.
    • Provide a completed and up-to-date Results Framework and Work Plan Tracking for the WWF-GEF Project at the end of each project year.
    • Contribute to the 6-month and 12-month Project Progress Reports for the WWF-GEF Project, including progress reflections, adaptive management, M&E outcomes, and project ratings.
    • Troubleshoot data collection challenges.
    • Monitor for data inaccuracies or inconsistencies and seek clarifications when needed.
    • Provide logistical and coordination support to facilitate project evaluations (by WWF-GEF Agency and external evaluators).
  2. Knowledge Management and Learning:
    • Proactively investigate and reflect on emerging data collection for adaptive management proposals.
    • Provide input into an annual reflection workshop to inform adaptive management of the project.
    • Collect and analyze additional data relevant to the project from external sources.
    • Coordinate the engagement of the Tanzania FOLUR Project Team in the global FOLUR Integrated Program, including participation in networks, events, training programs and exchanges, and the collection and exchange of experiences and lessons learned.
    • Lead on the development of lessons learned and other types of learning materials originating from the project.
    • Establish knowledge management systems for collecting and storing information related to the project.


  • A Bachelor’s degree in environmental science or management, program evaluation, or a related field.
  • At least 4 years of relevant work experience, of which at least 2 in the design and implementation of M&E systems for development or conservation projects implemented by national/international NGOs/agencies/government.
  • Experience in research methods, designing and implementing tools and strategies for quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.
  • Expertise using database software, such as Excel and Smart sheet; Familiarity with PPMS (Program and Project Management Standards) and results-based management principles, tools, and techniques is preferred.
  • Proven ability to manage multiple projects and priorities.
  • Strong analytical skills/expertise in analyzing data.
  • Strong writing skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Good knowledge of Swahili is strongly preferred.
  • International, developing country field experience is preferred, especially in a monitoring and evaluation role in a development or conservation context.

General Conditions

  •  All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with age not above 50 years.
  • Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail, and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement.
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates.
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts.
    • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates.
    • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies (where applicable).
    • Birth certificate.
  • Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:
    • Form IV and Form VI results slips.
    • Testimonials and all partial transcripts.
  • An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer.
  • An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
  • An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA).
  • Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE).
  • A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English and addressed to:Permanent Secretary
    Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
    Government City – Mtumba
    Ardhi Street
    P.O. Box 1351
  • Deadline for application is 04th October 2024.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate legal action.


The Project ‘Food Systems Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes’ is a child project under the GEF Food Systems Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program. The 5-year project is implemented through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism as the lead Executing Agency with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as GEF Implementing Agency.

The key environmental problem to be addressed by the project is the degradation of Tanzania’s rich forest lands and wetlands and the related loss in forest health and biodiversity under the pressure of agricultural development with a focus on rice production which has detrimental effects on the delivery of ecosystem services and related livelihood and economic opportunities. In Tanzania rice production has more than tripled between 2004 and 2015, making Tanzania the second largest rice producer in South-Eastern Africa. The rice sector is currently a key point of attention of various Government and donor supported programs geared towards both intensification and extensification with a growing interest in export to supply adjacent African states. A key challenge is that production is small scale with current yields being among the lowest in the world (between 1.5 and 2 t/ha), inefficient supply chains, post-harvest handling, and poor transport networks posing additional challenges.

The project focuses primarily on two landscapes in Tanzania, both critical for rice cultivation: The Kilombero Valley on mainland Tanzania, and the North Unguja (Zanzibar) landscape. The project represents an integrated approach that combines aspects of sustainable food systems and deforestation-free supply chains with broader landscape-level planning, management, and restoration for the preservation of ecosystem services in these two landscapes which translates into three main pillars of work:

  • The development of an Integrated Landscape Management approach for the target landscapes through a multi-stakeholder process in order to provide for a landscape management framework that gives space for rice production and other uses while securing space for the preservation and restoration of critical ecological systems;
  • The development of sustainable and socially inclusive value/supply chains for the rice production sector including the development of supporting governance/policy frameworks, financial and market mechanisms, and incentives that will drive sustainable value chains; and
  • The development and implementation of concrete landscape restoration and management activities in the target landscapes including the creation of enabling conditions for upscaling. The focus here will be on areas degraded by or providing key environmental services to the rice sector.

TOR: Finance and Operations Manager

WWF/GEF Tanzania Food Systems Land Use and Restoration Project
Reports to: Project Coordinator, WWF/GEF Tanzania Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Project
Location: Dodoma, Tanzania
Duration: 1 year, extendable to a maximum of 5 years

Major Function
Under the direction of the GEF Project Coordinator, the Finance and Operations Manager manages all financial and operational aspects of the Project including project budgeting, contracting, sub-recipient monitoring and evaluations, financial tracking and reporting, and administrative functions. He/she provides financial and administrative assistance to, and oversight of, program staff and grantees to ensure that budgets and agreements are handled in accordance with Government, WWF and GEF policies, procedures, systems, and requirements.

Key Responsibilities

  • Prepares, administers, and maintains the project budget, ensuring that data is accurate and current, including:
    • Reviews and monitors status of the budget against the annual budget and the annual project work plan.
    • Ensures spending levels are appropriate and coding is correct.
    • Identifies problems and recommends corrective action, assists in the revision of budgets, and communicates issues to the Project Coordinator.
    • Ensures GEF Requirements are met, including the budget structure contained in the Program Budget, and that all expenses are associated with the incremental costs principle.
  • Reviews all documentation received from proposed sub-recipients per the WWF pre-award process, performs sub-recipient risk analysis, and develops a risk mitigation plan for the project.
  • Coordinates and prepares financial reports for submission to the WWF GEF Agency, ensuring GEF requirements are met.
  • Supports, prepares, and monitors grant and consultant agreements ensuring compliance with agreement terms.
  • Ensures agreements and payments are processed timely and in accordance with WWF policy and procedures.
  • Prepares paperwork for approval, secures signatures, and distributes documents to appropriate parties.
  • Reviews and analyzes sub-recipient’s financial reports to ensure compliance by sub-recipients with WWF GEF Agency reporting requirements, including project partner co-financing.
  • Notifies grantees of any problems or discrepancies and provides technical assistance to grantees in resolving problematic issues.
  • Supports WWF GEF Agency annual supervision missions by providing requested documentation and other assistance as needed.
  • Assists independent mid-term and final evaluations by providing all requested financial information.
  • Provides feedback where relevant on evaluation reports and ensures that corrective actions based on the mid-term evaluation recommendations are taken when related to financial issues.
  • Maintains information and files pertaining to all financial and administrative aspects of the project, including agreements.
  • Regularly monitors ongoing compliance with WWF reporting requirements and individual project deadlines.
  • Ensures all project reports are acknowledged and routed to appropriate individuals for review.
  • Provides support to the project management and coordination of day-to-day administrative operations and special projects.
  • Identifies, coordinates, and expedites the communication of information and issues both interdepartmentally and intra-departmentally, as well as externally with sub-recipients, the Project Steering Committee, the WWF GEF Agency, and independent evaluators as necessary.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • At least 7 years of technical working experience as a Finance and Operations Manager.
  • Post-graduate degree in accounting and/or Finance.
  • Knowledge of Government Project and Program Financial Management and Operations Standards.
  • Experience in delivering financial reporting to donor agencies on large projects.
  • Ability to interact with senior government staff and partners.
  • Adaptive management skills.
  • Experience with GEF Projects and GEF knowledge an advantage.

General Conditions

  •  All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with age not above 50 years.
  • Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail, and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement.
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates.
    • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts.
    • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates.
    • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies (where applicable).
    • Birth certificate.
  • Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:
    • Form IV and Form VI results slips.
    • Testimonials and all partial transcripts.
  • An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer.
  • An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
  • An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA).
  • Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE).
  • A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English and addressed to:

    Permanent Secretary
    Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
    Government City – Mtumba
    Ardhi Street
    P.O. Box 1351

  • Deadline for application is 04th October 2024.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate legal action.

Sultan Uwezo

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